Toronto Zoo Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Denise Hill-Fox (I) 8/07/2018 11:40 AMI spread the word! I told the cashier at each store I visited that it was Plastic-Free July when I handed them my reusable bags. -
Taryne Haight - N 7/31/2018 2:27 PMGarbage picking biking home from work!! #plasticsfreejuly
Hayley Johns 7/31/2018 12:43 PMWhat a great Plastic-Free July this has been! Can't wait to continue my efforts! -
Cynthia Shipley "U" 7/31/2018 10:17 AMSo proud of the Marketing, Communications and Partnerships Division!!! Woo Hoo! -
Cynthia Shipley "U" 7/31/2018 10:15 AMWow, the month is over. I hope we've all made a difference! -
Megan Young - G 7/31/2018 7:06 AM
If we all post at least 8 times, then we can still beat Calgary! -
Samantha Bayers - U 7/31/2018 7:04 AMLast Day!! -
Katherine Wright 7/31/2018 5:55 AMHave a happy last day of the challenge! -
Katie GrayU 7/31/2018 5:45 AMLast day! -
Amanda ChambersU 7/31/2018 5:44 AMLast day!